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Setting up a Prototype task

Advice on how to set up a prototype test

Updated over 3 months ago

Add a prototype task block

Setting up your first prototype task is very straightforward. First add a Prototype task block.

Customise the task instructions

Customise the task instructions for your participants. We recommend doing this in three parts:

  1. Scenario: use this to set the scene and put your participants in the right mindset.

  2. Task: this is what you'd like your participant to do. Make sure this is really clear and not too complex.

  3. Tips: Encourage participants to speak aloud for richer feedback, and provide any additional instructions that may be helpful.

Avoid adding too much content here, as it can distract participants from the task. If you need to provide additional guidance or context, use a separate Message block before the prototype task.

Prepare your Figma prototype link

Head over to your Figma prototype and copy the shareable link by clicking Share prototype:

Make sure your prototype link access permissions are set to "Anyone can view":

Next, make sure the the display settings are correctly for the prototype you're trying to test. For example, if you're wanting to test a prototype of a desktop-sized website and want to make sure the full width of the prototype is always visible, set the display setting to "Fit width":

Add your Figma prototype link to your Prototype task

If you haven't connected a Figma account to Wondering before then you'll be asked to enable this first:

Next, paste the link from above into the Prototype to test field and click Add:

If you'd like to change the start screen, click the Edit starting frame button, and select the frame you'd like your participant to begin the task on:

If you want your participants to freely explore the prototype without a specific end-frame in mind, you're now good to go!

If you would like to instead stop the prototype task when the participant reaches a specific frame (and automatically measure how many and how quickly your participants reach this frame), you can add a "Success frame" under Add success criteria:

Here you can read more about how success criteria work in Prototype tasks.

Preview your Prototype task before setting it live

To test your Prototype task and see how it appears to your participants, click the Preview button in the top right corner of the study builder:

Please not that you won't be able to substantially change the blocks in your study after launching it, so preview it first to make sure you are happy with it.

Keeping your Prototype task up to date if you make changes

If you've made any significant changes to your prototype after adding it to a Prototype task, such as changing the frame it starts on or any frames you define as your success criteria, it's best that you test your Prototype task in Wondering to make sure it still works and update it as necessary.

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